Using Psychology to Help You Make Insurance Sales


There are many methods you can use to help you make sales. But if you want to be a successful agent, knowing a few things about human psychology will be a great way to increase your sales and even connect with people. Deciding to buy something that is largely, psychological so if you know how to appeal to the psychological nature of someone, you have a better chance to make that sale. Here are three ways to try to make it happen.

  1. People justify a decision to buy something with Facts – If you have ever gone to the car lot and fall in love with expensive port car, you know what it’s like to have emotional connection with expensive items. But feelings are not enough to justify making a large purchase like this. That’s why you immediately begin to read the facts placed on the window of the car – gas mileage, how it maintains the resale value of their, low maintenance costs, etc. If you can justify the purchase based on the facts, you are more likely to buy things you want. The same is true with insurance. If you can present the facts to potential customers in a way that shows how the product will benefit them, making the sale will be much easier and even more.
  2. People basically self-centered – This is not to say that people are selfish all the time, but being self-centered is very common. Therefore, when you are in the process of selling insurance products and services, it is important to focus on how they will benefit personally from the purchase. If you are selling life insurance, the buyer will not have a direct benefit but you can focus on the peace of mind that they will feel by knowing their family is protected if something ever happens to them. Other insurance products – health insurance, long term care insurance and others – are more readily recognizable as having a personal interest so that they are often easier to make a sale.
  3. People are usually Suspicious – Everything scam and other ways to get ripped off, people are more protective of their money than ever before. That is why this can be a difficult psychological barrier to overcome. But it is not impossible. The important thing to remember is to pick up all your requirements with as much evidence as possible. Customer stories is one way to do this, but show the survey results, scientific data and other compelling evidence you can find will help you show your customers that you are genuine products and to reduce some of their concerns.

Since an accomplished sales agent need to know some information about the human psyche and how people make their decisions. These three insights into the psychology of the thought process when an important purchasing decision will help turn those potential customers into actual customers.


Source by Daniel Hagy

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