Insurance Selling Sucks


I insurance salesman and I think most companies suck. Here’s what I mean.

daily, if not almost every hour I approached by someone new who wants me to sell their products for them. The pitch is always the same. Commissions and services.

If I sell their products, I will get a higher commission. Experience has taught me that this is nothing but a lie. Almost all commissions paid by insurance companies are the same. The difference is how much these marketing companies take off the top. They all want me to sell their products so they can make more money from my work and my personal investment in marketing.

There is a nice deal they have, I work and they get paid.

Think of insurance products such as three-legged stool. One foot is the interest of the client, one leg is the interest of the company and the other leg is the interest market. When more is added to one leg and the other stool is lopsided. All three legs must be equal to or someone to take advantage of. So when marketing company offers me “out of whack” commission I know where it is coming from … the firm, NO! It’s coming from the client. It has to!

All elements must be fair and if one is more than other stool falls over.

Then there is another pitch …. services.

I always return service words with the word greed. I mean how much service do I need? I handle my own program, I transfer my own money and I do not understand my strategy. What type of services they offer? You’re right, nothing. For what is a marketing company makes out my sales they can do much more than service as far as I’m concerned. What could they do?

o facilitate the marketing and

o pay bonuses

And it is this that always stops them in their tracks. I will never do business with those who do not give me two things:

1. A pre-release so I can move at any time without the permission of

2. Full disclosure of how much they do the sale of my

Make them tell you and always demand full disclosure. Publication is not a favorite topic and very few will actually share their contracts. Hold your ground because they will eventually show you. What if they are making too much of the void, it is always fair? The answer is yes! There are several marketing companies out there that do a great job and provide enough benefits actually earn overrides. At that time; they they are doing business with. Here are my favorites:

o Financial Independence Group (FIG Marketing) … North Carolina

o Northwest Planning. .. Spokane, Washington

o pension Source … Seattle, Washington

o Brokers International … Iowa

To be honest I really like selling insurance. It gives me a nice income as well as overall management of my time. Choose the best marketing partner for you, but always require disclosure. The best ones will be happy to share.


Source by Bill Broich

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