Car Accidents Drivers same Insurance


You are driving down the road when another driver runs a stop sign, hitting the side of the car. You check if the people in the car right, then call the police. While exchanging information with the other driver, you find out that they have the same car insurance carrier as you do, which leads you to wonder: How do I submit a claim if the other driver has the same company? Is the process any different than normal? If so, how?

Read below to find out the answers to these questions and advice on how to make sure you get fairly compensated.

How Insurance Companies handle accident Both drivers are Customers

In an ideal situation, the insurance company would handle an accident between two “customers in the same way and they should see another car accident : unbiased and responsible. However, this is not a perfect world, and insurance companies have been caught failing to provide adequate compensation to customers in the sake of the bottom line profit.

When a car accident occurs and both drivers have the same company , the insurance company must handle it carefully in order to avoid running into a “conflict of interest.” to do that, most insurance companies will give each driver’s own adjustor them. the idea is to both adjustors assessing the claim and responsibility for the accident independent, and present their results to each other when they have a certain fault.

If both adjustors agree that one of the driving forces is to blame, the adjustor monitors -kenna driver will win the claim fairly and provide benefits to other drivers based on their insurance policy.

However, if there is a complication of responsibility, and both adjustors not agree on who was at fault, then they will act as if they work in two separate companies to deal with the claim. Two adjustors from the same company will not take legal action to determine guilt, but agreed with each other.

Oftentimes insurance companies waive the deductible client if they are involved in an accident with other customers in order to avoid the hassle of dealing with liability disputes and customer accusing them of acting in “bad faith” by making a decision that is not the best for each driver.

When an insurance company issues only one adjustor to handle the requirements of both the driver, there is a high risk of conflicts of interest. If this happens to you, contact car accident attorney immediately to ensure that you receive fair compensation.

Benefits of the same Insurance

As unfortunate as to get into an accident in the first place, there are some advantages when the driver is the same company as you .

For one, talk to a representative of your insurance company is always much easier and less of a hassle than in contact adjustor from another company. Since you are paying customer, adjustors will tend to provide faster service than if you had another insurance company.

Second, the insurance money motivation to satisfy the requirement and provide reasonable compensation to you if you are a customer. In most cases, insurance companies would end up losing more money in the long run if you stop using them as car insurance provider because you were unhappy with the coverage, but if they just paid the claim outright. So rather than risk losing you (the paying customer), they are often in their best interests to make you happy by paying a claim.

Finally, when the two drivers with the same insurer get into an accident, the requirement may be faster than if the accident involved two different insurance companies. Two adjustors who work for the same insurer, and work in the same office, can solve issues simply by walking to the table is the adjustor.

cons Having the same insurer

Getting involved in a car accident with a driver who has the same insurance company can also deductible. For example, an insurer may try to seize the opportunity and protect the bottom line abnormal delay or deny your claim or even failing to return calls. Or, two adjustors can come to an unfair agreement behind closed doors that allows the company to get out of paying the full claim that they would be forced to another.

Also, insurance can be confusing, and insurance companies may try to use it to their advantage by persuading the customer uncertainty about the loophole dismisses the responsibility of providing benefits.

When to Call a lawyer

If your car accident caused only minor property damage and / or injury, you will probably be able to continue through the normal process- filing claims with the company and let them appoint adjustors. However, if you got serious damage or injury, you should not contact car accident attorney to keep your insurance company responsible for fair and reasonable compensation, color, plus color: as answer any questions you may have.


Source by Patrick T Langley

Car Insurance Quotes – Understanding Rules, terms and buzzwords


To get the best value from your car insurance quote, it is important to understand the various terminologies included in your insurance policy. A thorough understanding of these conditions and catchwords will ensure you are not caught off-guard in the event of a claim. It is important to remember that point on car insurance is to provide a safety net in times of crisis to ensure that you do not have to dip into the savings account to replace or repair the vehicle.

To this safety net to work efficiently, it is important to recognize the various restrictions, terms and conditions. Not only will this understanding offer you peace of mind, it will also ensure that you are educated on the various legal procedures and your insurance company.

When it comes to car insurance quotes, most of us can feel a little overwhelming number of conditions and buzzwords that appear in our insurance policies.

Few of us understand the jargon of the insurance industry and often find ourselves agreeing to the terms that we do not understand in the hope of obtaining a reliable and efficient motor.

I compiled a list of nine commonly used terms that will arm you with all the necessary information to assist in making a sound decision before singing on the dotted line.

1. Policy Agenda or Cover Sheet – When comes to taking out a reliable car insurance, you will be required to enter into a contract. This agreement can be entered into over the phone, online or in some cases, in writing, but by law the company is required to confirm the conclusion of the contract in writing within 30 days. This confirmation is in the form of policy plan (Cover Sheet) Summarizing all the specific information about your insurance policy.

2. Demand – You deposit / notify claim to the insurance company when you have suffered loss or damage to an insured item and you need your club to get you back in the same financial position you were in before the loss. The merits of your claim will be ratified – and based on the terms and conditions of the policy, the claim will be accepted or rejected (refused) by the insurance company.

3. Above – Above agree amount which the policyholder is liable to pay in the event of an insurance claim resolved. For example, if the excess on your car is $ 300 and $ 5,000 damage unless your insurance will pay for $ 4,700 when you paid above your repairer. Insurance companies charge in excess to assist customers in managing their risks by claiming for minor incidents – such as to ensure that customers do not send minor or fraudulent claims. If the claim amount is less than the above, there would be no demand.

4. The problem – the problem referring to the variety risks can cause damage to the car. These are accidental and deliberate damage, theft, hijacking, attempted theft or hijacking, fire or explosion, earthquake, storm, hail, flood or snow and glass damage.

5. Premium – A premium is the amount of money paid for an annual or monthly basis to ensure that the vehicle is covered. your premiums will increase or decrease by a variety of factors, referred to as underwriting criteria.

6. Retail Value – Retail Value is current average selling price (on the floor of a donor). If you were to secure the vehicle for retail value, it would be insured for the value closest to the replacement cost. Although it is more expensive option, it has a large number of benefits if something had to happen to your car. It is also important to remember that Retail value of the car decreases monthly.

7. Market Value – Market Value is average between retail and business value of the vehicle. It is important to note that although you are paying less for your insurance, you are covered for significantly lower value.

8. Trade Value – When searching for car insurance, the most attractive offers are those that seem to be the cheapest. If you choose to insure your car for Trade value, it would be valued at the average price of motor dealer will pay you for your vehicle. Trade value is the lowest value.

9. Especially Approved Value – This is applied unlisted, vintage and collectors’ vehicles, caravans and trailers from authorized sources.

To fully understand the details of the car your insurance quote, it is best to read through the documents supplied by the insurance provider and apply these definitions for reference. not only will it explain the complexities of car insurance terms, it will also ensure that you are up-to-date with what you are covered for and its parameters.


Source by Julian Mark

BCIN? The difference between a designer, architect and engineer According to the Ontario Building Code


When I meet new customers and friends every day, I hear the same general question “What is BCIN?” “When BCIN is required?” and more. Here are some explanations to the public on some critical issues about selecting a company to provide you with the plans. Please note that this information applies only in the Province of Ontario.

What is BCIN?

A BCIN stands for ‘Building Code Identification Number “. This number is assigned by the local authorities and education Housing, to successful applicants who have completed the requirements described in the C series section 3.2 the Ontario Building code. There are two different types of BCIN numbers, individuals & companies. individuals are people who have completed their exams and have received BCIN of Marketing; however, they do not carry any insurance. as a result, this limits the types of tasks that a person can made. Companies BCIN on the other hand must carry valid liability insurance, and depending on the amount of design fees solid charges this year will dictate the required amount of insurance coverage they must have. Insurance is expensive but it is there to protect you then avoid working with companies that do not have it not. for most people, a home is the single biggest asset you; do you really want to get a plan from someone without insurance?

How do I know if I am choosing listed companies?

The Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Housing maintains a database of all registered owners BCIN. The registry is available through a system called liter. Once the Public Registry, this system allows you to search by a person’s name, company’s name or BCIN #. Once you find a company or individual, it will bring you to a page with information about the company. It displays mailing address and company contact information. At the bottom it should also show listings “recorded Designer ‘and position as” Current “. If it shows up as” fallen or slipped “this means that they either do not have valid insurance for the year, or they are late filing paperwork them.

Do I need an architect or engineer for my project?

probably not! the massive changes to the system in recent years, opening the door for the new title has been; designers. Architects & Engineers are not required for any project less than 600m² (6458 sq.ft.) and less than 4 high. for most residential and small commercial projects, you do not have an architect or engineer. However, , and this is important, if the project involves serious structural changes, the engineer can request the municipality to revise the plans. On this note, it is BCIN test that these demands! If the design business is a registered company in the category “Building Structures ‘they can complete programs.

When do I need a BCIN ‘stamp ‘ for my project?

Depending on the type of project you may or may not have BCIN number of drawings. You do not BCIN numbers if the project relates to the construction of the building which is owned by producing drawings or if it relates to farm building less than 3 floors. There are several other examples, but these are probably the two most important. I often hear homeowners ask just to make drawings for permits (not stamp). This is allowed, but as a homeowner you must be knowledgeable about the drawings (after all, you are claiming that you have produced them). It’s okay to admit that the municipality you hired someone to pull them for you, but at the end of the day you will be responsible to ensure that the drawings meets code. If the city has approved the building permit based on drawings and you continue to build the project drawings only to later find out that there is a problem, you will be on the hook to make all the changes necessary to pass inspection. Most companies charge from $ 200 to $ 2,000 for use BCIN number of drawings. This may seem expensive but it is a security blanket that will keep you safe and ensure that the drawings meets code! I also personally apply for permits and handle all the paperwork on behalf of my client when I charge this fee; most people vote and no one likes to stand in line for half a day to submit paperwork to the City.

I hope that this will help to clarify any questions you may have had about the requirements have someone produce a building permit for your project. I look forward to working with you, and if you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask!


Source by Brian Fawcett

Florida FR44 Insurance Filing without a car


Whether you get a DUI driving a car or motorcycle, drive a boat or jet ski, or any other vehicle, the requirements to reinstate your license is going to include proof of liability insurance. Even if DUI received while riding a bike, or as a passenger in a car that really happens, the consequences are still the same. Insurance requirements to reinstate a license are at least $ 100,000 per person, $ 300,000 per accident for bodily injury liability and $ 50,000 for property damage liability (100/300/50). Unless this type of coverage was in effect, the current policy at the time of the DUI, Florida FR44 filing to the Office of financial responsibility will be with the new policy for insurance.

The new policy does not necessarily mean a new policy of car insurance. No matter what you were driving or do to get a DUI, can you meet the insurance requirements for the license taken by various policies. Any way you decide to “get around” by DUI, even if it is walking, liability insurance will be required to get your license reinstated. Because of strict underwriting (qualifying) and increased costs associated with DUI, many convicted drivers will switch from driving a car to ride a motorcycle, scooter or public transport. How much insurance is going up by DUI depends largely on the type of policy purchased.

insurance underwriting and claims other than those FR44 requirements, different for different types of policies. For example; Florida No-Fault law requires PIP insurance coverage for cars and trucks, but exempt vehicles with less than four wheels. Policy without a vehicle at all, called non-owners policy, also does not include PIP and diverse types of policy can be used to provide Florida FR44 filing. Since PIP benefits extend to relatives and household residents, businesses examine them to determine eligibility and rate calculations. Rules are exempt from Florida no-fault underwriting avoid hassles and inflated costs associated with PIP altogether.

car insurance policy with FR44 filing it can not be excluded drivers and premium must be paid in full because they can not be closed. Here again, different decisions for different types of policy can be a real “life saver” for convicted driver. Being able to exclude youthful operator or partner of policies, or be able to make payments, may be the difference between the given direction and cashing in your 401k.

A policyholder accustomed to maintain Florida minimum liability requirements 20.10.10 experiences “sticker shock” when they find out that they need to lift their responsible for ten times 100/300/50. For many people the driver license is not only a privilege but a necessity, such as those having a valid license to keep his job. Simply doing without insurance after DUI is not an option for the typical car insurance policy with FR44 may be unaffordable. Fortunately, they have the option to buy insurance without a car to register FR44 and get their licenses renewed.


Source by Clifford J Schimek

Do You Know Average Home insurance costs in Ontario?


It is important to understand that the average home insurance costs and all the factors that affect it. On average, homeowners pay $ 780 for home insurance in Ontario but factors such as location, time, cost, coverage and riders, such as floods or jewelry coverage, can significantly affect the coverage. Renters can also purchase insurance, and prices are generally cheaper in the lessee they are the owners.

Although the market value of your home does not directly affect what you pay for insurance, it can give you an idea of ​​what you can expect to see in terms of cost – or at least what you should plan and budget for . A home valued at under $ 300,000 usually the average cost in Ontario at $ 702 a year, and households in the higher brackets, for example, between $ 300,000 and $ 700,000 can expect to pay $ 1,000 (about $ 924) but again, the final figures will include other factors.

The more expensive a home is, the more insurance you will pay, but this is not a reflection of the market. A more expensive home means more time cost – or the world with more expensive parts to protect. If your home falls in the $ 700,000 to $ 1,500,000 range, it is reasonable to see the average insurance rates in Ontario hit the $ 1,400 mark year, and $ 2,000 + for a home in the $ 1.5 to $ 5 million range.

Provincial differences do not exist

Coverage costs vary by province because each province has its own unique challenges. Among insurance in Ontario are usually not affected by things like the earthquake coverage, but the same can not be said of British Columbia, for example. In Canada, Overland flooding is a special area for insurance and insurers are generally not willing to cover this risk.

For example, the average home insurance premium in Alberta is ~ $ 900 / year for homeowners. Quebec homeowners pay an average of ~ $ 840 / year in the cost of home insurance.

Many parameters identifying home insurance costs

There are several factors that can increase your home insurance rate and they are important to consider when buying a home. Such factors include fireplaces or wood stoves, pools, oil-based heating systems, old wiring, commercial zoning, old pipes and poor / old roofing. garden and trees can be affected too, where large trees pose a risk of falling at home.

also claims history is considered when getting a home insurance policy. If you have a rich history of claims, some insurance companies may consider to be a high-risk client leads either to higher premiums or refusal to issue an insurance policy.

Home insurance for tenants is three times cheaper

If you rent a home, you can benefit lower home insurance costs as you do not have all the coverages that a homeowner would. Typical tenant insurance policy covers liability would be (for example if you flood the people living under your unit) and the contents of your home (for example, expensive electronics, art items, rare collection items).

Average rental insurance costs in Ontario are $ 252 / year ($ 21 / month). Tenants insurance in other provinces would be comparable in terms of cost: $ 33 / month in Quebec and $ 25 / month in Alberta.


Source by Alexey Saltykov

10 Things About Car Insurance you may not have known


Many have serious reservations, their car insurance and, when the time comes for their auto insurance to be refurbished, they simply renew it with current insurer her. If you shop around not about car insurance, then you will end up paying more than you need to and if you do not check the small print of your policy, you can not actually be insured at all. So, if you do not give a second thought to motor vehicle insurance, check out these facts and tips about car insurance that might surprise you.

1. Pay the premium in one

It may be convenient to pay car insurance in twelve monthly payments, but it will always be much more expensive than paying the whole amount up-front. Most insurers added an exorbitant price for distributing payments. It could cost you as much as 30% more.

2. Do not overdo excess

A lot of people get caught out by accepting the insurance excess beyond what they can actually afford to pay. Yes, high excess will reduce your car insurance premiums, but do not forget that if you have an accident, you are going to need to find the money for repairs.

3. Tell the truth to your insurer

Be honest about what you use your car, where you park it, and who is going to run it. If you say that your car locked in a garage overnight, and it is stolen from the street outside the home, you may be in for a nasty surprise when you make a claim.

4. Check how comprehensive fully comprehensive cover phone actually

The word “fully” fully comprehensive can mean different things to different insurers, especially if you opt for cheapest policy you might find. Usually, cheaper car insurance will not include courtesy car, windscreen cover, or legal cover, so it is worth checking the policy to see exactly what you are getting for your money.

5. Do not make a claim unless you really

If you have a minor accident, it is very often cheaper to pay for the repairs yourself but to require that the insurance your. You should tell the company about the accident, because it is often the policy requirement, and he may well lead to increased premiums and excess.

6. premiums may still rise, even if you have protected no claims bonus

If you have an accident, your premiums could still rise, even if you have protected no claims bonus. bonus rate may well be intact, but the underlying insurance costs will increase and it will have to pay more.

7. Always take photos if you have accident

If you have an accident, however slight damage may seem, always take photographs of both the vehicle and other sources. Unfortunately, there are a lot of dishonest people will exaggerate their claims to their insurance company and lying about the circumstances of an accident. If you can, get information about the witnesses also.

8. Do not just automatically refresh, shop of the first

Insurance companies offer the best deals to their new customers, so it is always worth shopping around for insurance car. You can get a broker to do for you, or look Price comparison site, but always get some quotes before you decide.

9. Always notify your company about changes in case

Do not forget to notify the company of your change in circumstances, or you could invalidate your insurance. It involves moving home, changing jobs, any changes you make on the vehicle and even if you have started to drive to work.

10. Do not rely solely on comparison websites for the best deal

not forget that not all insurance companies allow their information to be displayed on the price comparison websites. To make these companies to compete, they often offer better deals than you will find on your comparison.


Source by Neil Savin

Insurance for Coach House is available!


Coach House owners are having a tough time finding a home insurance for their property because Coach House Home Insurance is not readily available. Insurers tend to take away from the risk of a technical workshop of debt around the property, hire a permanent leaseholds.

There are usually 1 or 2 garages leased fixed leasehold neighbors and this can cause all sorts of controversy surrounding Legal liabilities of these joint access arrangements and pending lease agreements. The Leasehold agreements tend to be the 999-year agreements with neighboring / tenants garages contribute to the cost of buildings insurance.

If you have Coach House – do not despair! While many insurers do not shy away from risk and will not offer cover – there are some Home Insurance Providers who are very tuned in to the legal liabilities of such arrangements and offer competitively priced home insurance.

A simple Google search will put you in touch with the right people who can offer you the Home Insurance Quotes at a reasonable price, without sacrificing the protection of legal requirements needed to protect you.

Coach House are becoming increasingly popular house builders, they can build more homes in less space – so it’s time to more insurance looked into creating an insurance policy to cover these risks – while insurance is available at affordable prices, it is not widely available, and the choice of insurance provider is much smaller.

Something to watch! When you buy insurance you do break down of buildings premiums, however, any more extra ‘you have considered the policy to suit your own circumstances- for example, contents insurance or home emergency cover. In order to claim a percentage of the buildings insurance back from neighbors leasing of garages – you need to be clear about the cost of buildings insurance element one to avoid conflict. You can ask the company for a breakdown of costs for this purpose.

Finally, when it comes to buying any home insurance or Coach House Insurance, be as vigilant as ever when it comes to read the small print and fully understand what you are and are not covered for. Property Owners legal obligation is part of the strategy especially important for home owners, but especially Coach House property owners, but that does not mean you should sacrifice other important provisions of insurance. Stay focused, and take advice on what you should expect to be with!


Source by Hayley Connolly

Guilty Six Home Insurance Deal Killers Florida Homeowners should be aware


As affordable Home Insurance in Florida gets more difficult to achieve, it is extremely important for home owners and future home owners to fully informed before buying a new home or shopping for new home owners insurance.

If one of these six conditions at home, “Buyer Beware” that insurance can be difficult and possibly impossible to tie.

1) Fuse Panel

A properly install FUSE PANEL by itself is generally not a security problem, however, most insurance companies have banned this type of electric service for all new policies written. There are a number of reasons, some of them are listed below.

The main security issues of fuses come into play when the homeowner Replace a blown fuse with too large of a security (ie blown 15 amp safety are 30 amp security that is available to the utility room shelf). The circuit is designed to “blow” if the load is greater than 15 amperes travels. Now “trigger” is set at 30 amps. An Extra 15 amps just might be enough for wiring or other parts to warm up enough to cause a fire or other serious injury or damage.

A typical security panel can be replaced with circuit breaker panel for $ 750 to $ 2,000 for other upgrades that may have to be replaced. Always get at least three quotes from reputable contractors before authorizing any work.

2) Knob and Tube Wiring

Knob and Tube Wiring (D & T) was used from 1880 into 1930. This early method wiring did a great job for many years and is still used today in some choose the government and industry. Although this old rubber or cloth coated wiring for strings by the porcelain buttons has outlived its useful life and is no longer eligible for insurance or even legal in residential applications at the National Electrical Code.

An average size of the return wire can run from $ 8,000 to $ 20,000 for an individual organization and access to electrical components. Always get at least three quotes from reputable contractors before authorizing any work.

3) Aluminum Branch It

In Florida, Aluminum Wiring has been in the spot light since 2010, when tens of thousands of Florida home owners learned they could not get insurance if they have this common wiring that was often used between 1965 and 1973.

Aluminum wiring is known to “cold creep”. Wiring expands as it heats up and contracts as it cools, this can cause the wire to come loose connection and this can cause an arc that can warm up fixtures and start cooking. Aluminum oxidizes over time also can contribute to this fire safety issues.

There are two options to get insurance if you have aluminum wiring branches. First and most expensive (but one which we highly recommend) is completely rewire your branch wiring to copper. This can cost, on average, $ 8,000 to $ 20,000 depending on how easy or difficult electrical components are accessed.

The second option is to use AlumiConn or Copa crimps which effectively crimp copper “pig tail” of the aluminum wire so that the copper wiring is that it is a connection to the electrical fixture phone. This option, on average, costs between $ 1,500 and $ 3,000 depending on how many electrical fixtures are at home. We recommend staying away from this as possible as we fear the ever changing insurance industry may eventually outlaw the crimp process as well. We also do not like the idea of ​​going from average fixture with 3 connections have 6 connections. The more connections more probability of failure.

4) Less than 100 Amp Electrical Service

A recent industry shift in our “energy hungry world ‘is require homes to 100 amps or more of service feeding home. With heavy electricity consumption average homeowner uses insurance seem to be afraid that my service can overheat when typical high consumption devices.

The cost of upgrading the electrical service can be depending on whether the size of wiring can handle the increased electrical load. If this is not possible, the feeder line will also be replaced. As always, get at least three quotes from reputable electrical contractor.

5) polybutylene Plumbing

This popular plumbing pipe was used extensively throughout the 1980s and in the early 1990’s. It is usually “blue or gray colored”, is flexible and has caused flood damage to thousands of homes across the country. Up until recently some insurance companies do not ask about the type of plumbing pipe so drugs would put homeowners with those companies, however, starting September 1, 2012 Citizens Insurance Company guilty especially polybutylene Plumbing.

The typical return plumbing costs can run from $ 4,000 to $ 10,000 for ease of running a new pipe (in attics or under households). We recommend copper or CPVC piping that some insurance companies are also taking issue with PEX piping that has become very popular over the past decade. We will cover more on Pex a later article.

6) Roof with less than 3 years life

The final INSURANCE DEAL KILLER in today’s article deals with the first line of defense in the wind or rain event, THE ROOF! If your roof has less than three years of useful life left in it that you may be denied insurance coverage. In the hot Florida sun, our average three tab shingle roof will last between 10 and 15 years. The average dimensional shingle roof will last between 15 and 25 years. Other popular options are roofing tiles and metal roofing. These options have a significantly longer life expectancy up by 50 years if installed and maintained properly.

A re-roof is usually calculated on a per square meter basis. A square is equal to 100 sq ft of shingles. The Pensacola area in the square cost can run anywhere from $ 225 to $ 300 per square meter, an average rate of 30 square roof costs between $ 6,750 and $ 9,000 depending on the quality of products used.


Source by P Mark Taylor

Twelve Secrets and Tricks to Buy Life Insurance


Secret # 1: Do not spend too much time on life insurance quotes.

Do not be fooled by the low price offer to get online – they do not apply to you unless you are very healthy. Statistically, only 10% of people who apply actually get the lowest price policy. The premium you end up paying nothing to do with the first quote that you get online or agent. It is amazing to me how often I see people getting duped agent citing company X at a lower price than the agent.

Life insurance policies are the same price, no matter who you buy from! One agent or website quoted a lower premium means nothing. Rates for any given policy is based on age and health. There are some exceptions to this, but it is outside the width of this article.

Most life insurance companies have 10-20 different rated health / price agent or website can assure you quote they give you is right. You need to download, make checks, and then go through underwriting (which means that you complete a mini-examination with the nurse at your home and the company controls doctor records and reviews and ‘perfect’ to your health) to get the real price of policy. Remember that health rating factors also your family history, driving record, and the type of job you have. only use quotes to help narrow down your choice of top companies. You may want to consider a no-load or low strategy. The more you save on commissions the more money builds up in your strategy. You can even buy term insurance no load, and save a lot of contributions. You will not get help agent, which might be worth something if they are very good.

The most important factor determining the price is match your specific health at the company best for that niche. For example, company X might be best for smokers, company Y for cancer survivors, Company Z for people with high blood pressure, etc.

Secret # 2: Ignoring promote the concept against the cash value of permanent insurance.

You can go crazy reading what everyone has to say about buying term insurance versus whole or universal life policy. Big name websites give advice which I think borders on fraudulent. Simply put there is no simple answer to whether you should buy a permanent policy cash value or term insurance.

But I think there is a simple rule of thumb – buy time for temporary needs insurance and cash value insurance for permanent needs. I have read in various magazines and drive equations me that basically shows that if you have a need for insurance in excess of 20 years, you should consider some amount of permanent insurance. This is because the tax advantage of growth in cash value in a permanent policy. I divorced and have taken care of my children I should die. I probably no longer need as much insurance I have now. I’ve done a lot of return on my policy and pay no taxes. I no longer pay premiums, because there is so much money in the policy. I’ll strategy to pay off. I would not call the most life insurance a good investment. Because I bought my policy right, and paid almost no sales commissions policies are probably my best investments me. I no longer them, so when I die my beneficiaries will receive money both tax and estate tax free.

Since most people have short-term needs such as a mortgage or children at home they should get some time. In addition, most want some life insurance in place for their whole life to pay for burial, help with unpaid medical bills and estate taxes and permanent policy should be bought with the concept of strategy.

Secret # 3: Consider applying with two companies at once.

Life insurance companies really do not like this “trick” because it gives them competition and increases feed costs.

Secret # 4: Avoid capture drug insurance.

Looking for a life insurance agent who represents at least fifty life insurance and ask them multi company quote shows the best prices side by side. Some people try to cut the agent out and just apply online. Just remember that you do not save any money so because dealers usually won by the agent are only held by the insurance company or insurance company website without having your premium down.

Plus a good agent can help you maneuver through some of the complexities of filling out an application, install beneficiaries devices, avoid mistakes in the choice who should be the owner, the best way to pay the premium, and it also must deliver stop and assist loved ones if life insurance is always used.

Secret # 5: Consider refinancing old life policies.

Most companies will not tell you the price that you pay on your old policy has probably come down significantly if you are in good health. In recent years, life insurance has updated its forecast on how long people will live. Because we are living longer they are reducing interest rates further improved. Beware of the agent can do this to get a new commission, so make sure it really makes sense.

I am amazed at how often we find that the old policy of our customers are twice as expensive as new. If you have a new life insurance consider “refinancing” old rules and use the savings to the old policy to pay for a new direction – so there is no extra out-of-pocket costs. We like to think of this process as “refinancing your life insurance” – just as you refinance mortgage.

Secret # 6: Realize life insurance companies have targeted niches that constantly change.

One day the company “X” is to give good price to people who are a little overweight and next month they are super strict. The company “Y” may be less severe in people with diabetes because they do not have many diabetics of books – which means that they will give a good discount on diabetics. The ‘W’ Meanwhile, the company could be very strict on diabetics because they are insuring a lot of diabetics and are afraid that they have too much of a risk in that area – which means that they will give a bad rate for new diabetics who have .

Unfortunately, when you are applying for life insurance companies will not tell you, “Hey, we just raised the our in diabetics.” They just want to happily take your money if you were not smart enough to shop around. This is the number one area of ​​smart agent can come in handy. Since good multi-company agent is continuously applied by many companies that he or she will have a good grasp of what is now the most lenient of underwriting for your specific situation. The problem is that this is a hard job and many drugs are either too busy or not set up to efficiently shop around to different insurers directly and see who would make you the best offer. This is much harder than just run you a quote online.

Secret # 7: Do not forget customer service.

Most people shopping for insurance companies with a focus on the lowest price and the best financial rating. Unfortunately, I know of several A + rated companies with low I would not touch with a ten foot pole simply because it is easier to raise Porcupine reverse it is to get customer service from them.

Before I did this I used a life insurance company that gave customers a great rate, but 2 years later called the customer to me and said, “I have sent all payments on my time, but just received notice of to my policy lapsed. “It turned out the company had been making a lot of mistakes back office and had missed premium payment!

We were able to fix it because we had trouble early. But if a customer happened to have died in a short time the policy had lapsed, his family may have had a hard time proving that the premium had been paid on time and they could not have received life insurance money – a loss of hundreds of thousands of dollars in that case.

Secret # 8: Apply 3-6 months ahead of the time you need insurance if possible.

Do not be in a hurry to get a policy if you already have some coverage in force. But go ahead and apply immediately know that you may need months to shop around if the first company does not give you a good rate. Even if the life insurance industry is getting more automated application will still often held up for weeks or months, but the insurance company is waiting at the doctor’s office to mail a copy of you medical records.

If you are in a hurry and buy Quickie ‘no-underwriting’ policy without going through the full control and health underwriting the private life insurance company requires, you end up paying 20% ​​-50% more because the insurance company will automatically charge you a higher price because they do not know whether you are healthy or about to die the next day.

Secret # 9: Avoid buying extra life insurance through work if you are healthy.

I’m sure there are exceptions to this “taste” but I have rarely found one. By all means keep free life insurance your employer provides. But if you are healthy and you have to pay for additional life insurance through payroll deductions you are almost certainly paying too much. What is happening is that your overpay ‘ends pay unhealthy people in your company who are purchasing life insurance through payroll deductions.

Usually assurance cutting contract with your employer and will waive the required health examination for all employees – instead they just average price for all employees and offer one or two rooms for men and women of every age. Life insurance companies know that they will take up a lot of unhealthy clients in this way so that they jack up the price of all that healthy people end up overpaying so unhealthy workers get a cheaper policy. Also, unlike the present term strategy we recommend, most life insurance you buy through work will get more expensive as you get older.

There is a group life insurance usually not portable when you retire or change jobs means that when you retire or change jobs you may need to download all over again, even though you will be older and probably not as healthy as the risk of being turned into policy. If the group’s plan to allow portability they usually limit the conversion choice and force you to go into expensive cash value plans.

I remember helping someone to assess his replacement life insurance. He was sure it was a better deal than what strategy I could find him. Little did he know that the price of his group’s plan would go up every year? By the time he retired premium would have risen above $ 10,000 / year. I found it policy for $ 1,000 around / year that would never go up. Also, unlike the old policy group of his life, he could take an individual policy with him when he changed jobs or retired.

Secret # 10: Do a trial program at COD payment basis.

send money only with the application if you need life insurance coverage immediately. Sending a check with the application’s traditional practice medicine used to do – I think mostly because it got them their commissions faster. If you send money with a program that you usually get temporary coverage right away, but if you are already plenty of discussion and are just trying to get a better price ask your agent to make a trial application on a COD basis so you pay only when policy is approved. If you do not send the money, and you die before paying for the policy there is no coverage.

Secret # 11: Wear shoes when nurse measuring height.

When the insurance company sent a nurse to make a medical phone trying to be as great as possible if you are overweight? In most countries you are allowed to wear shoes if you are a little overweight higher height / weight ratio will look a little better guarantor that ruled the health of your score and price policy. Also do test early in the morning without food for you – this will make your cholesterol count and various ratios health look best.

Secret # 12: Be careful with extra perks and riders.

Most policies come with options such as accidental death benefits, children rider, rider disability, return of premium, etc. If you do the math on most of these “extras” they usually do not make smart financial sense. Life insurance companies are out to make money and these riders are usually profitable because they either achieve something that rarely happens, or they are so strict that the benefits never gets paid out. Keep things simple and foremost focus on getting life policy to cover your life without many strings attached. Again a good agent can help you weigh the benefits of extra riders. But be careful about the agent who tries to tack on every possible extra rider.


Source by L Lance Wallach

Unemployment – The controllable Tax


Although often overlooked, unemployment insurance (UI) tax is unique and interesting duty business, because it is a tax on the company has significant control. The ability to control both the size of the station will be in taxation as well as tax rate itself means planning opportunities here that are not found in other forms of taxation.


  • It may be entirely avoidable by your state, business structure and appropriate use of independent contractors and
  • It is very responsive to the behavior and actions that can be controlled, monitored and measured.

Unlike sales or income tax, unemployment insurance not directly tax revenue or profitability. Rather, it is similar to the ad valorem tax, it’s a type of tax on production. But unlike with ad valorem taxes, company controls a base tax is levied. UI is based on a measure of payroll and smart job structure and hiring decisions allowing companies to maximize revenue with certain large workforce while minimizing payroll will be taxation.

Unlike other taxes, unemployment insurance tax rate is the rate experience. This means that in most countries, the proportion of the company relies heavily on its previous success in defending UI requirements. Because of this experience rating UI elements, implementing effective changes today benefits not only the current quarter, but in the coming years.

Companies operating at the University consequences in mind can realize benefits beyond lower tax rate. Often they see improvements in HR and communication processes in addition to become more efficient because some standardization. To implement the change, proactivity is the key and staff area is where most of the work will be done – especially in the field of status notification, choice, communication and retention.

It was mentioned that the appropriate use of independent contractors can help companies avoid unemployment taxation altogether. But “we” must be understood in light of the UI law in the State (s) in which it does business. The law governing independent contractors must understand or company could face contractor reclassified as employees.

However, if properly managed, unemployment can be reduced until there is a relatively small business duty. But to achieve this, the company will carry out the change with in-depth understanding of the state’s UI law, policy and practice. Thus, the company should consider consultation with experts in each new state where they do business, rather than learning state specific legislation that mistakes are made.


Source by Charles McCormick