Life Insurance Fraud


insurance fraud is a black eye on both life insurance and life insurance customers. Both sides have been guilty of a life insurance fraud and will be back – especially since, unfortunately, fraud appears to be increasing according to the most statistical measures.

Research on non-profit The Coalition Against Insurance Fraud concluded that life insurance fraud committed by all parties cost the average household $ 1,650 a year and increases life insurance premiums by 25%.

Life insurers are often guilty of insurance fraud in the form of their agents make “churning”. This is where the agent seeks to stop the current policy of life insurance and replace it with a new policy that is paid for by the “juice”, or the cash value of your existing policy. Drugs do this to get more commissions for themselves without having to look for new opportunities for the company. Churning can lead to increased premiums to the client and explain the costs out of the cash values.

Another insurance fraud practiced by agents, however, is called “windowing”. This is where, being unable to reach the signature of the client or the applicant has the necessary document but when these signatures elsewhere, the agent has a signed document back to the unsigned document, presses it against the window to make the light shine through, and traces the signature with a pen in order to design a signature client or applicant.

When a large company name insurance companies have their agents do bad things it makes big headlines, but the fact is that the public is far more guilty of insurance fraud but companies are. And of course make false claims is a thing that they do the most, which is why all the requirements of the life insurance death benefit payouts are subject to investigation.

But wrongly stated income or background information is another form of insurance fraud often involved in the consumers. They might be embarrassed by their medical history or income, or they may realize that if they tell the truth they will have their coverage reduced or their premiums will be very high. If a life insurance company finds someone lied on their application and they have the right to pay the claim or not pay the full death benefit on the situation and policies.

But there are things that life insurance buyers can do to protect themselves against insurance fraud, since they have limited investigative resources of the life insurance companies do.

Remember that when it comes to life insurance, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. There is no free lunch.

Save all your life insurance paperwork, including obtaining receipts for every penny you give the agent, and never ignore any notifications from your life insurance company.

Life is never free and there is no pension plan, although certain trends can indeed become self-financing – they never start that way.

Never buy any review that you feel strongly is unnecessary, never let yourself be pressured, and never borrow to fund life insurance.

Although it may be part of the portfolio, insurance is the number one role is protection against the unforeseen – and most people do not need life insurance in later years. It is intended to be temporary.


Source by Julie Shields

The Making of a multi-million dollar insurance salesperson


Every sales person or sales agent fantasize of becoming a millionaire. This is how one person was Multimillion Dollar Insurance sales representative.

Over half of insurance agents employed earn less than $ 50,000 before the quick. So how do you make a million dollars, which is more then? Especially when your career involves selling insurance? For me it was not by working 70 hours a week. No “get rich quick” insurance trade magazine article or an advertisement inspired me. I do not ever remember working with a millionaire clients. In fact, in my case it would take a ton of strategy to neutralize million premium collected, what the commission worked. I’ve never once had one of the 90 insurance companies nominations now available.

my case to case to put together a recipe, you can easily (with effort) mixed to achieve similar or better results. For me the ingredients were composed of four parts.

willpower I need to convince myself that I could reach targets insurance production I was set. To start, I bought a collection of books about positive thinking. In them they emphasize phrases like “I Can” and “I Will”. I repeated this key word phrases over and over in my conscious mind, and the one certain steady progress in the sale of my achievements. Good but not good enough.

Suddenly I was introduced self-hypnosis and insurance career change my place. This was not some kind of mystical hocus-pocus but clean enrichment builds and builds. It starts with a customer from England who was a professional hypnotist. I was intrigued, and he agreed to teach me how subconscious mind automatically override the conscious mind. He then graciously taught how to easily hypnotize me anytime I wanted. I programmed myself to succeed, and success followed.

sales skills so called selling skills insurance company showed me, never really improved. I quickly realized that the repetition of the bad habit is dangerous to your career. Now that my income was rising, I added another piece of dynamite to achieve sales goals faster. If I could double my close rate, it was easy to see my income doubled.

I invested in a Dale Carnegie course for resellers. In this course I learned the steps needed to fit well if you are going to expect sales. What I did not expect was announced to take the course need covers all points in two minutes or less promotion. This is when I come back stick, I was not using enough.

DECISION I made it a point to carry just passing the course. But there were about 25 people taking the course, I was determined. Not only was I going to go, but my presentation was chosen the best of fellow two dozen professional sales of my people. Needless to say, it took willpower, sales skills and determination galore. Attractive, gave me a feeling of floating sky high. After this, I found that I could sell snow to Eskimo.

NO FEAR I must admit, when I started selling insurance I was full of fear. It took the first 3 ingredients and one step to prove to me that I now had no fear. I had to do it several before me financially successful in trying. It was to make the sale, by breaking the rules, and do the “experts” considered would only be done by fools. I would exchange my briefcase for a directory and yellow pad. My suit and tie would be reserved for funerals, and my dress was neat, yet informal. Now I was prepped for no less fear test.

without setting a date, I choose to just knock on the door prospects, and make a simple presentation. I programmed myself also act casual, using “well, maybe you can not afford it” approach if I had closure protests. I knew that most prospects have their conscious mind ready to say they can certainly afford it. Using the opposite effect would change a conscious thought process.

Starting on Monday morning and no evening work I wanted to test my skills to the max. I had a good self-hypnotized and with the prospect of 50 cards, some of them “leads”. Remember now we are talking about 30 years ago. Without a date I saw 25 prospects and made 30 direct sales of all sizes. Not one strikeout. With over $ 20,000 contribution and a lot of it in annual payments in cash, I decided to stop with $ 12,000 in commissions. I had reached and achieved my goals in just four days. Yes, with rounded effective formula you can put on the brakes.

MY FIRST MILLION was then very easily . For me, I proved I could be a millionaire, by breaking all the rules. average policy size mine was not gigantic but my closing ratio was incredible. I did not wear a suit or tie or carry a briefcase. My cars were snazzy new Camaros and Mustangs, and I stop wasting time struggling to make an appointment.

There is a risk of programming yourself to achieve a particular goal. Since you are bound to achieve that, before applying self-hypnosis, you ask whether it is good for the mind and body to do what it takes.

To become a multi million dollar insurance salesman, not the opposite of most salespeople are doing. Develop your own prospecting methods, presentation and closing sills tricks. It will be much easier to make insurance sales when in your mind you’ve already done that, and have acquired sales skills to back it up.

I did it my way. Or.


Source by Donald Yerke

The Best Health Insurance Telemarketing Script


Development work script is one of the essential elements of any health insurance telemarketing strategy. While many companies that provide tele commerce have scripts available that suggested that you create your own script, at least as a reference so that you are getting your prospects you want. There are many reasons behind this including:

  • You understand potential and their needs much better than another script creator ever will.
  • General specifications could have been used by competition and potential customers may have never heard them.
  • The script will be designed to generate qualified leads you want, and will not include extra details that are irrelevant to your needs.

Even though it is important to use a script made just for you there are a number of methods that can be used to increase sales.

  • Uncomplicated scripts are usually the most effective tele commerce scripts. The outlook is to know why you are calling and why they should be interested in a few seconds get on the phone.
  • Get to the point quickly, not all your sales pitch on a cold call, stick with the essentials.
  • Keep the goal of the call in mind when creating the script. If you are creating a leadership or set an appointment that should be the goal of the call. Nothing else should be included.

This is a basic script outline you can follow:

Hi, this is the name of XXX Insurance Company we are a local health insurance broker here in the city and we specialize in the placement of individuals like you a lot of money and improve medical coverage. With all our programs get to Keep all your current doctors!

rebuttals to common questions:

  • This is not a sales call, with just want to confirm some information and get the free offers that can save you money on health insurance.This will only take a few minutes and could save you thousands of dollars.

I just need to ask you a few short questions so we can make sure that you are qualified and you get the lowest rate quote with the best coverage possible:

  • Are you insured now?
  • (If yes) that make you now buy health insurance from?
  • What is your age?
  • Do you use tobacco?
  • Is anyone else to fall by you quote? (Wife or children)
  • What is the best of email testify to?

Thanks for your time. We have one of our agents to call back with an updated health insurance quotes, have a great day!

When the script has finished its not set in stone. It may require some changes based on feedback telemarketer to get things running smoothly after the calls start to be. It is also important to write rebuttals for its common questions a visitor might ask.


Source by John M Tompkins

Insurance Sales – How to overcome objections


When trying to sell insurance (or any product for that matter) overcoming objections is best done before objections are actually voiced. For example, if you are trying to sell life insurance to a couple, one of the most common objections you will face is: “this sounds good, but we want some time to think it over.” If the salesman you can see this object, you can prevent it coming up by saying something to address it before the end.

something to the effect: “Now, Mr. Jones, these programs are advantageous to people like you, but unfortunately many delayed while they are thinking about it, their health or situation can change them. Could not been able to qualify for the program as we are talking about today. “there is a chance that they will still want to think it over? Yes, but it is much harder for them to voice protest when you have already actually addressed beforehand.

If you get really expressed objections, there is one key thing to remember: protests die by agreement. If you agree with their concerns, it puts you as an individual trying to understand them and their situation and find the best fit for them, not just some salesman to look for the largest commission check they can find.

Let’s say the prospect tells you they are satisfied with their current agent or broker.

By agreement mindset, your answer might be something along the lines of: “. I understand Mr. Jones, and I’m not here to disrupt that relationship I’m just here to make sure you’re in the best vehicles with the best prices to match where you are at this stage in your life. If you would like to show my current course, I will be happy to make a free review for you and make sure that it will meet your current needs “

Another common objection you can hear when talk with the option to” .. It will never happen to me “

Depending on the type of product you are selling, this can be a killer objection. Everyone knows that they need life insurance because they do not live forever, but accident insurance, long term care insurance, or cancer policies are a little tougher sell. Overcoming objections on these types of policies can be much more difficult.

You would still agree with the possibility, perhaps something along the lines of: “I understand where you are coming from, and we do not want this to happen to you, but it is still wise to be prepared. Tell me, when’s the last time you totaled your car? Never? But you still feel it is important to have coverage in case that happened to you, right? “at that point, they recognize that just because it is an unpleasant thought , it can still happen to them.

overcome objections is one of the most important parts of the sales process. You can make a killer presentation, have the best products with the lowest price, but if you are not able to overcome objections that come to mind prospects, none of the advantages of the product will matter to the customer. They have to not only see the value in the product, but all have their objections (both voiced and unvoiced) resolved before they will be willing to fill out an application, or you cut the extra stop.


Source by Bennetta Slaughter

Insurance Agents Name Choices – Insurance Specialist, Financial Planner, or Life Advisor?


Are you one of those plain insurance agents? Drugs often opt to upgrade his title as an insurance expert or consultant in the card business. Names like life consultant reflect positive experiences and knowledge. Each of these different terms distinguishes you from being just one of the insurance agents? Here are the top 101 alternatives to choose from.

There is much more to the name then article. Calling himself an agent or sales agent makes you sound run of the mill. That project also audio salesman trying to sell you something. Few people enjoy the feeling that one is selling them anything, it stinks pressure. This is why in this list of different terms you will see how much the words of one expert, expert and professional status. Outlook gets completely new perspective, just from the title that you give yourself! Prospects closely notice when agents working jointly with them to reach a decision on what is the best action. Prospective customers want to feel like they are part of the decision process.

Important internet search Tip: To get an accurate count use quote marks around words, “insurance analyst” will only give you these words in exact order. Without the quotes you would also get all instances of people search terms such as specialist insurance, expert in writing insurance claims, an expert in car insurance sales, etc.

Giving this Article, in front of each of the insurance agents distinction is number of current Google listings. This way you can easily see how many times the Internet views “Insurance Agent” look up terms like specialist, planner, representative, and. consultant. Google would count numbers change frequently today.

1 = 10600000 financial advisor

2 = 6690000 insurance agent

3 = 4280000 financial planner

4 = 2120000 investment advisor

5 = 1780000 Insurance Agents Brokers

6 = 1,600,000 investment advisor

7 999 000 = insurance follow

8. 735000 = insurance expert

9 638 000 = financial analyst

10 604 000 = financial professional

11 = 590,000 financial analyst

12 513 000 = life pro

13 433 000 = insurance professional

14 431 000 = insurance agent

15 = 322,000 insurance expert

16 271 500 = insurance salesman

17 269 000 = professional life

18 = 268,000 life insurance agent

19 253 000 = insurance consultant

20 252 000 = insurance consultant

21 244 000 = insurance salesperson

22 = 219,000 insurance manager

23 218 000 = estate consultant

24. = 217,000 insurance manager

25 189 000 = estate planner

26 = 186,000 independent insurance sales

27 = 179,000 insurance sales agent

28. = 155,000 insurance seller

29 = 130,000 insurance producer

30 = 126,000 investment representative

29 = 120,000 insurance authority

30. 119000 = insurance representative

31 = 112,000 lives agent

32 = 107,000 life insurance expert

32 104 000 = life expert

33 102 000 = insurance consultant

34 = 89900 insurance sales manager

35 = 86200 certified insurance agent

36 = 85200 insurance manager

37 = 71,000 health agent

38 = 66600 insurance pro

39 = 65100 insurance sales representative

40 = 60,000 insurance designer

41 = 59400 insurance sales person

42. 55600 = life consultant

43. 54500 = group agent

44. 52200 = ins agent

45. 50100 = estate consultant

46 = 50,000 insurance benefits

47 = 46,800 insurance consultant

48. 43800 = financial pro

49 43 400 = insurance salesperson

50. 40200 = insurance sales expert

51. 37700 = manufacturer life

52 = 37,000 insurance sales manager

53 = 35,400 independent insurance brokers

54 34 700 = long-term care professional

55 = 34500 financial advisor

56 33 900 = health insurance expert

57. 31300 = health insurance professional

58 = 29300 life insurance expert

59 = 29,000 insurance representative

60 = 28900 financial advisor

61 27 500 = insurance expert

62 = 26,000 health insurance consultant

63 = 25,500 independent insurance professional

64 = 24.700 employment expert

65 = 24,000 lives advisor

66 = 22,900 life insurance consultant

67 = 21800 life insurance sales expert

68 = 19,900 life insurance professional

69 19 300 = insurance producer

70 = 19200 certified financial planner

71 = 16200 health insurance manufacturer

72 14 900 = insurance sales consultant

73 = 14,000 hours life insurance broker

74 = 12,800 long-term care expert

75 = 12.700 pension expert

76 = 12500 estate planning expert

77 12 200 = insurance market

78 = 11,950 life insurance representative

79 = 11900 insurance planner

80 = 10,600 insurance sales professional

81 = 10,400 life insurance advisor

82 10 200 = insurance writer

83. 9650 = insurance recruiter

84. 9480 = financial planning consultant

85 = 9030 estate planning advisor

8570 = 86 pension brokers

87 = 7,520 insurance manager

7070 88 = insurance intern

89 = 6,800 long-term care insurance expert

90 = 6670 time life insurance agent

91. 6440 = long-term care insurance agent

5870 = 92 licensed life agent

93. 5300 = financial insurance agent

94 = 5270 pension agent

= 95 5080 ins professional

96. 5030 = medical insurance industries

97. 5.010 = disability insurance agent

98 = 4990 professional employment

99. 4430 = mortgage insurance agent

100. 4200 = disability insurance expert

101 = 3900 long-term care agent

for the sake never to tell potential customers that you are one of the 1.5 million insurance agents licensed to sell life, health , pension, and financial policy. The term insurance expert or insurance professional immediately makes your prospect more confident about your ability. However, do not use the overused and abused terms of financial planner or estate planner, unless you are really qualified to be one.

If the case, you are interested, here are other titles with over 1,000 Google post events that do not make the top 101 list. They are a group of health professionals, ins specialist, insurance marketing representatives, health insurance consultant, ins representative, term life insurance professional, mortgage life insurance agent, insurance marketing expert, disability insurance brokers, life ins agent, term life agent, senior market analyst, life investment consultant , MDRT insurance agent and insurance saleswoman.

you want to get more attention on major search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Ask, here are some tips. Front on your entry page, use the title and first line to put more descriptive words about the services you provide. Rather than announce “insurance agent for many products”, try this, “health insurance professional and disability insurance professional.” Both of these titles are only about 5,000 competition entries, which could include 3,500 to 4,000 each weak ones. Now it depends on following the instructions, and Internet search skills you possess. An internet search could have found you in the top 100 listings per terms! The “insurance agent” search, with well over 6,000,000 lists, it could take a week 24/7 to find you listed near the end of the heap.


Source by Donald Yerke

Mobile Telematics Technology is promising for Auto Insurance?


At the time when the road accident caused the death of millions, it is necessary to check the driving behavior through mobile technology.

According to WHO, 1.25 million people die due to traffic accidents. WHO also estimates the accident will be the seventh leading cause of death worldwide. Is a need to press the panic button in the face of these figures? What kind of education is necessary to check accidents and reducing accident risk? Let us dwell deeper.

According to Bob Joop Goos, chairman of the International Road accident prevention, “Over 90% of accidents are caused by human error.” Human error is all about driving behavior, is not it? Well, if it is so that there is a need for the driver scorecard to improve driving and make driving safe. This is to ensure that he get his insurance claims hassle free for the loss. To have come this far, let’s go into the technical factors that increase ones driving behavior. Moreover, let us also consider whether a person has to pay ‘fixed contribution’ or ‘pay as you go’ or ‘pay how you drive’ for auto insurance.

person who lives in the State of Alabama is paying $ 1,500 a year on average. Suppose a person living in the city is $ 1500 pay as he is prone to more injuries against the person living in the suburbs pay the same amount as less likelihood of accidents. Suburban drive is easy compared to driving in cities. Remember the city driver will drive less kilometers compared to suburban driver who drives more. The city drivers are prone to more accidents. On the other hand suburban driver is prone to more wear his car. If a fixed contribution is obtained from both drivers, how does this make sense? Now if you’re given the option to choose between the following:

• Fixed premium annually
• Usage based insurance (UIB) is pay-per-use

What will you choose? Everyone will be cost effective; no one wants to end in loss. The majority likely to choose the second option. The reason is more customers are mobile. Customers can download the mobile application on mobile phones to monitor driving data. Risk assessment is easy with mobile device telematics applications. Assess risks like driving in peak traffic hours, depending on traffic rules or not, hassle free parking, speeding, etc., and take the necessary measures in the future with the help of tips provided on the application on your mobile phone.

Digital technologies are empowering insureds pay as you drive (Paydar) insurance, will pay how you drive (Phyd) by the customer. How this is going to affect the insurance industry? This is another area that requires discussion.

Mobile telematics technology combines technologies such as Global Positioning System (GPS), Mobility, Cloud and Big Data analytics where the driver uses the data to increase driving pleasure his behavior. This will reduce accidents. The mobile app provides information such as hard braking applied, rapid acceleration, road types, driving smoothness, phone distraction, traffic alerts, speed and mileage, etc. In addition, insurers can deliver personalized services and reach new customers by reducing the processing delays . Club option to enhance driving behavior using built Insurance. This will surely get support from the state and from companies.

Do we get more insight on this? Companies are looking for productivity, the government wants productive citizens. No one wants to productive children to be injured or be a burden. It is in this context that there is likely where insurance, business and government can work together to reduce the productivity risk. Driving behavior is the prime cause of traffic accidents. Mobile telematics technology has the ability to increase the driving behavior, reduce accident risk and workflow not disrupted.

Mobile telematics technology also has its impact on the automobile industry. As we know, a luxury automobile manufacturers come with built-in telematics, small brands charge extra for automobile electronic accessories. These black box technology are pushing up the cost of cars. In such a situation, mobile telematics technology reduces technology costs associated with the integration of the integration of technologies such as Global Positioning System (GPS), Mobility, Cloud and Big Data Analytics on smart phones. Advantage was for vehicle owners.

At a time when deaths caused by accidents are listed as the seventh world government, insurance companies, businesses and the public, offering mobile technology, we hope to reduce the risk. Canada is hosting Insurance Telematics Canada 2016 28, April 29 at the Double Tree Hilton, Toronto. In the year 2015 43% of insurance companies attended the event. This year the event cuts auto insurance technology and expect greater attendance to brainstorm.


Source by Sud Gover

Technology, Discounts, Customer Education to drive telematics Auto Insurance


Insurers are recognizing the importance of rates to get the US and Canada markets. But this requires a combination of product features.

Something seriously required in favor of insurance policy holders in the United States and Canada. UBI adoption is growing at a frenetic pace in North America, according to figures BI Research. Market watchers are keenly monitoring the growth of auto insurance and the factors that can cause challenges insurance industry. Figures show a rosy picture. Telematics-based insurance growth increased from 4.1% in 2015 to 6% in 2016 in North America. Growth is mounted to 19.2% in 2019. What is the role of telematics equipment expertise in emerging markets reached? Get discounts increase subscriber base? Is there a pitfall? Let us examine.

Insurers are constantly on the lookout for cost effective ways to do business with telematics. But convincing policyholders appear to be their challenge. Yesterday know how Passe with new and advanced knowledge developed in front of the UT. Data collection and customer engagement hold the key to success in the wired world today. Aspirin policyholders can be convinced insurance companies with advanced technologies such as: Driving data capture, direct marketing channels, roadside assistance (NSD Partner), Geo analytics and gamification to name a few. Millennial and Gen Z are technophile demographics telematic equipment market.

Technical measures will reduce risks and discounts are cost reduction. If both factors are combined marketing is easier. At this point the analyst is to take a balanced view. Donald Light director of Celent research and consulting firm, believes that the combination of both discounts and surcharges can provide a bright future for Telematics in Canada. He was their vision of the “Insurance Telematics Canada 2016” in Toronto. We all surcharges are additional premiums for risky driving behavior. Light and suggest this to change driver perception of their driving.

What the perception of Light wants to change? People pay a price for goods or services on their perception of quality. The same theory is applicable to human perception towards driving. If a man thinks he is a ‘better driver “and not including the driver that he is in fact, encourage them to implement telematics mobile app to take advantage of discounts will be challenging. Due to the self-esteem of his preventing promote driving behavior and adopt drive score as the ultimate criteria to improve his driving. It is at this stage only the education needed to change perceptions.

very purpose Ubi is to reward the contribution of drivers on criteria such as speed, acceleration, use the phone, etc. Great part of the population is mobile and it makes sense to implement telematics mobile app on their mobile devices to reduce accidents and earning drive score to take advantage of the policy premium rates. Education is needed to change the wrong perception of drivers taking Wherever reasonable and understand what standard driving behavior.

Education should be extended to ensure that network security telematics mobile apps are also prone to cyber attacks. This should be viewed in a context where 60% of cars and trucks are going to be connected to the network by 2017. This means tailored telematics service should address cyber security issues also to gain greater acceptance in the market.

Switching to telematics is a good choice; it is also promising for the company which wants to expand its scope. Advanced technical features, discounts for drive score cards as well as Surcharges confused the driving behavior can increase recognition of mobile telematics thus attracting new mobile subscribers. If these issues are addressed, insurance marketing becomes easy.


Source by Sud Gover

Your homeowners insurance may not cover Woodpecker Damage


Meet Amy, City Girl who became a small town resident on her marriage to George. A stark difference between living in the very center of urban civilization and Township dwelling was somewhat of an adjustment means for Amy. Sure she loved the sights and sounds of nature will be: water, trees, grass, flowers and vibrant color winged birds. Nevertheless, how she missed the hustle and bustle and – yes – even the noise that she had always known that the shopping center shopping, auto and bus traffic – honking included – and life as she had been bred to appreciate!

Although noise has always been the essence of its existence, incessant pecking on the side of its roof in Small Town America where she now had set up residence did no good for her nerves. At five o’clock in the morning, you see was too early for a woman of the world like it to be rude raised from the slumbering state. And the fact that pecking was coming from fine feathered “friend” usually known as the woodpecker did little to appease her uneasiness.

Then came the crunch that really threw off Amy. It seemed as bothersome Woodpecker begun to establish damage in a beautiful home! But nothing could appease Amy when she discovered that a standard homeowners insurance policy its not even cover damages and losses suffered She now!

“You see, madam,” explained a nice insurance agent, “insurance companies simply do not reach the general household liability that has been yeast negligence. In fact, they see a woodpecker damage as something that could have been avoided through proper home maintenance. “

If only Amy had known! She certainly would have faced little danger with a vengeance. Now it seemed that it was too late and she and her husband would have to bear the loss through out of pocket expenses.

They say life is a great teacher. Amy knows better than most.

“Learn from me,” says Amy, a former city dweller. “Do not let pests get the better of you or your home will risk!”

How does one deal Woodpecker problem? There are a number of hands-on methods:

• Go out and buy tools that are on the market in connection with Woodpecker deterrence.

• Surround outside spots related to the roof with cable fencing.

• Attach a colorful ribbon below the roof and around roof is money.

• Seal attic and house siding holes with caulk or other materials.

• Hiring a pest extermination company to take care of the problem.

• View own creative to tackle nasty wood-beak problem.

Ask Amy. She will tell you forearmed is indeed warned: figure independent insurance agent about homeowners insurance policy to make sure it’s tailored to your needs.


Source by M Wyzanski

Why students need assurance Of


As the cost of higher education rises, families turn to credit to send their children to school.

Shock statistics from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau state that at the end of last year, outstanding student loan debt was more than $ 1 trillion. Are you a parent college-going child with?

Have you co-signed a loan to cover the cost of a child’s education and if you take out a life insurance policy in the name of the child to settle the loan if he / she died?

Think of it this way. Like any other parent you want the best for your child and it includes university.

You are willing to co-sign a student loan because you know your child will work to pay back the loan when they have completed their studies. But then one day the nightmare of every parent’s reality and the child goes away before he or she can pay the loan, even before he or she can finish learning. What now? Since you co-signed a loan you are responsible for paying back what is owed.

Where is this life cover lane in the center stage. If you take out a life insurance policy in the name of the child you know if he or she takes away their life insurance policy pay policy beneficiaries a lump sum amount. These funds can be used to pay outstanding debts, including student loans, store cards and credit cards. The money can also be put towards funeral expenses plus cost of settling the estate of the child.

No parent wants to think about the death of his son. For many, the thought of their child dying before them is too horrific to even contemplate. But as responsible adults we have to plan for the worst and ensure that we are financially protected from the death of our child. Think of it this way. If your child disappeared and to be responsible for his / her student debt how would you cope with repayments? Would you be able to afford them? How, for example, would this unexpected financial burden affect retirement plans?

Take charge and talk to your child today to take out life insurance in his or her name. While it may be difficult conversation is one that needs to take place. And remember, take out life insurance while you’re young and healthy means you’ll save on premiums as you get older.


Source by Aaron Dekker

10 Reasons to Start CPCU Today – Turbocharge Your Insurance Career


The Chartered Property Casualty Underwriter, or CPCU designation, is the biggest and best recognized designation in the Property Casualty Insurance industry. Whether you just start in the industry or you have 20 years of experience but feel stuck in your current role CPCU can make a huge difference in your ability to grow your career.

1. Gain the knowledge you need to truly understand the overall Property Casualty Insurance Industry at a high level.

2. Get access to membership in the CPCU Society both Locally and Nationally which will open up amazing networking opportunities with the leaders of our industry.

3. Only 4% of our industry has achieved the CPCU, so it immediately puts you in the top echelon of the industry when it comes to education.

4. It opens the door to promotions and new positions. Getting the interview for better positions becomes much easier with the highly respected CPCU letters next to your name.

5. The average CPCU is 54 years old. With so many retirements happening in our industry, young CPCUs are in very high demand.

6. Many of the local CPCU Society chapters are always looking for young talent for their board of directors giving you lots of opportunity to gain experience in a leadership role.

7. At around $ 4,000 for the whole program, it's much less costly than an MBA making the program an absolute steal. The cost is kept low by virtue of the delivery method being self-study instead of classroom style learning.

8. Chances are your company will pay 100% of the cost of the program, pay for the trip to the Annual Meeting, and some even give bonuses for each test passed and / or when completing the program. Some companies like Liberty Mutual even give you 10% of your salary for finishing the program. You can make CPCU into a part time job and get benefits both short term and long term.

9. It shows a real commitment to the industry which makes companies much more likely to take a risk on you and offer you a stretch assignment.

10. The average CPCU makes 29% more than non-CPCUs with the same job title.

There are simply too many reasons, and no downsides to doing your CPCU. Sure it's hard work but it pays off in spades by giving you the knowledge, connections and recognition you need to grow your career to a much better place.


Source by Tony Canas